Gratefully, I am a child of God and a follower of Jesus Christ. I am also a wife, mom, and daughter among other roles. I  live with a fairly constant myriad of thoughts and ideas swirling in my head to create, journal, and discover. Even  being married 30 years and  having two kids in college, I still desire to dance through meadows, twirl under starlight, and run trails of imagination.  

My favorite words will always be “Mommy” and “Momma”, and my favorite person is my husband, Keith. My earthly treasures are family, opportunities, and Scripture. My foes are fear, depression, and being overwhelmed.

Each of us see life through the changing lenses of perspective, and we walk forward with the take-aways we choose to carry.  I  share what I can for the sole purpose of offering  clarity, hope, truth, and a brief detour to all who need to be refreshed and reminded that God is working.

Sharing Life Under His Light for His Glory,                                                          Melanie