Prepare Your Child

Do you remember the Bible’s story of how Jesus miraculously fed thousands with  five loaves and two fish? Jesus’ disciple, Andrew, acknowledged, ”There is a

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Be Grateful

Gratitude frees us to enjoy life and opens our eyes to blessings we would otherwise miss. I remember being out with my two children when

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Dedicate Your Child

The Bible’s story of Hannah is dear to my heart. Hannah was barren and longed for a child. While praying and weeping bitterly for a

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Be Encouraged

 God’s love for you is great. After Jesus was born and the shepherd came to see the new king, Luke 2:19 records, “But Mary treasured

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Trust God

Jochebed was the mother of Moses. She gave birth to her son Moses at a time when the Egyptian Pharoah was ordering the death of

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My Story

My desire to be a mother, to love a child, to hold a child, to hear a child call me “mommy” went unfulfilled for a

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Being a mother takes prayer and lots of it! The Bible tells the story of a Shunammite woman who graciously provided the prophet Elisha with

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